How to Help

Please visit my ADA page to make your payment.

“Fundraising is an extreme sport!” – Marc A. Pitman

I’ve come up with two ways you can support me. No matter which you choose, your tax-deductible donation will still be made directly to the ADA through my personal page and each dollar will help improve the lives of the more than 20 million Americans who suffer from diabetes and another 79 million people with pre-diabetes.

Pledge more than $30 and you get to choose one of my 100-mile beers!

Option 1: 1,000 Mile Virtual Runathon

Link your donation to the miles I run so you don’t donate the full amount if I don’t reach my goal. In short:  More miles, more money! If that doesn’t motivate me to get my running shoes on, nothing will!

Pledging is simple:

  1. Divide the total amount you’d like to give by 1,000 to get your per mile pledge.
    For example, if you were considering a $20 donation, commit to pledging two cents per mile instead.
  2. Let me know the amountbut don’t make your donation yet!
    I’ll add your pledge to the per mile pledges and it’ll be included in the homepage totals as I update my miles.
  3. Sit back and relax (or join me for a run).
    Because you only donate the full amount if I reach my goal, I’ll let you know when I reach of 1,000 miles (or at the end of the year if I don’t) and you can make your donation (your pledge x my miles) using my ADA page.

Option 2: Traditional Donation

I get it, you’re old school and you don’t like my new-fangled incentivized fundraising. That’s cool. For you, I have a simple, one-step donation process:

  1. Click the “Support” button on my fundraising page to make your donation.
    Easy peasy lemon squeezy! I’ll add your donation to the “one-time” total on the homepage.