Week 26 – Half Gone, But Still Half Full

On Tuesday, halfway into the year, I was at 446.15 miles for the year.  That’s less than I’d hoped and just under 54 miles below my conservative estimate. However, I’ve still got six months to chip away at the remaining 554ish miles and I’m going to focus on running smart, staying healthy and moving forward.

This week I also had some new pledges come in, so now each mile is now $.71 for the American Diabetes Association.  You guys are awesome! Every bit helps and gives me more of a reason to get out there, even if that means lacing up at 5am.

Haven’t pledged yet? It’s not too late to join the fun. Every bit helps, but there are still four 100-mile beers up for grabs if you pledge three cents or more per mile. Plus this week I started taking a photo* on each run so you’ll be able to be part of them, except from the comfort of your home.** I’ll put the photos on the site shortly, but you can also see them on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter.

And that brings me to this week’s total: 19.05 miles gets me up to 462.05 for the year. Not bad for my second full week back. So yeah, the glass is half full.

* – I swear that’s what those drop-offs in my pace on Garmin and RunKeeper are

** – That may not mean much now, but wait until we get back to colder mornings…

Photo credit – jypsygen